“What’s Raised Eyebrows Is The Scale Of It” | Keir Starmer U-Turns On Receiving More Freebies

“What’s Raised Eyebrows Is The Scale Of It” | Keir Starmer U-Turns On Receiving More Freebies

Keir Starmer’s has made a U-turn and he said he will no longer accept clothes from Labour donors. This comes after the Prime Minister defended receiving thousands of pounds worth of suits and glasses from Lord Alli. Chancellor Rachel Reeves and deputy PM Angela Rayner, will also stop accepting clothing gifts, senior Labour figures said. Starmer faced criticism after it was revealed Lord Alli had donated £16,435 worth of work clothing and glasses, along with £5,000 in clothes for the PM’s wife, Victoria. Starmer had previously stated the donations were within the rules and properly declared but avoided addressing why he didn’t buy his own clothes. Cristo speaks with Lecturer in Corruption Analysis, Sam Power. #news #politics #uk #money #clothing #labour #keirstarmer #talk #talkradio Credit to : TalkTV
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nidhi virmani