“What About The Vegan Ready Meals?!” | Alex Phillips Questions Junk Food Advert Ban

“What About The Vegan Ready Meals?!” | Alex Phillips Questions Junk Food Advert Ban

The Government is being urged to take “radical” action – such as expanding the sugar tax and banning the sale of energy drinks to youngsters – in a bid to tackle “staggering” levels of tooth decay in children across England. A joint report from the Child of the North project and the Centre for Young Lives – a think tank founded by former children’s commissioner for England Anne Longfield – said ministers should “ignore any accusations of a nanny state”. Among its recommendations is a call for the Government to develop a national child oral health strategy with a focus on reducing sugar consumption. Alex says: “Banning adverts won’t stop people from eating them” #junkfood #labour #alexphillips #talk Credit to : TalkTV