Second homes to be taxed double from next week | LBC callers react
The majority of councils in England will introduce an additional tax on properties deemed to be ‘second homes’.
This ‘100% council tax premium’ will essentially double the tax owed. This follows the lead of Wales, where this premium is already in place.
The Labour government have just given the go ahead and it will take effect from April. Is it the right decision, or is it, as Ali Miraj thinks ‘just a cash grab.’ LBC’s callers give their take:
00:14 Ross thinks it’s a good start but not enough.
05:03 Andrew has a second home and has already had trouble with the council.
07:26 Jerry agrees with Ali that this is just a ‘cash grab’.
09:31 Matt reckons it doesn’t go ‘anywhere near enough’.
13:51 Geoff owns two flats and calls in to disagree with Matt’s points.
16:47 Brian is unhappy with the rates going up on his second home.
#alimiraj #ukpolitics #LBC
Credit to : LBC