Kim Kardashian SLAMMED for KKW Casting call for this Reason

Kim Kardashian SLAMMED for KKW Casting call for this Reason

Kim Kardashian West is under fire again, but this time it’s for a KKW Beauty casting call.
Hey Kim! I’ll model your makeup…if you’re considering guys.
When Kim Kardashian West launched her makeup line, it sold out in less than three hours making an estimated 14.4 million dollars. Since then, her line has expanded and continued to be a success, but a recent casting call caused just a little bit of controversy because of it’s lack of inclusion. So KKW Beauty launched a casting call in the LA area and on the notice it said all the details including “This call is open to all women 18+”. Now most wouldn’t see anything wrong with this, but makeup artist, vlogger, and first male cover girl, tweeted Kim saying, “Sister @KimKardashian!
There are thousands of boys in cosmetics who love you & I’m sure would be honored to slay a photo shoot for you! This is disappointing.”

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