James O’Brien’s Mammoth 21 Minute call with Nigel Farage Supporter | LBC

James O’Brien’s mammoth 21 minute call with Nigel Farage supporter | LBC

In this marathon call, James O’Brien argues with Nigel Farage supporter James who claims that Sadiq Khan ‘wants sharia law to be imposed in London’.

James O’Brien pulls apart caller James’ theory with a simple Google search. Caller James goes on to argue that white, working class men don’t have ‘freedom of speech’ – James O’Brien attempts to get to the bottom of his claim.

0:00 ‘I’m delighted that Nigel Farage is back’, says caller James
1:27 Migrants are coming across and ‘wanting to change our rules’
2:00 James O’Brien disbands caller’s claim that ‘Sadiq Khan would back Sharia Law’
4:25 James O’Brien asks for proof of caller’s accusation against Sadiq Khan
7:15 James O’Brien teaches caller James how to do fact checks
9:15 The white, working class man doesn’t have ‘freedom of speech’, claims caller
12:40 James O’Brien attempts to get to the bottom of James’ ‘freedom of speech’ argument
13:40 Illegal immigrants are in ‘5 star hotels’, says caller James
18:57 ‘Why will you still believe the stuff you now know isn’t true?’, James O’Brien asks James
19:39 ‘Police are outnumbered by foreigners’, says caller James

Credit to : LBC

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