British Think Tanks Reveal Plans for Permanent War and Global Austerity

Global Austerity

A review of recent statements from leading British institutions involved in shaping the policies of the “West” reveal that Lyndon LaRouche was absolutely right when he pointed to the British Empire as the controller of American strategic and financial policies, working on behalf of the financial and corporate cartels in the Trans-Atlantic nations.

Whether calling for a “Cuban Missile Crisis on Steroids over Crimea” (RUSI) or “decoupling” the Chinese economy from the rest of the world (Henry Jackson Society), the goal of these imperial councils is regime change in Russia and China, to eliminate the leading opponents to their policies of the Great Reset and Green Malthusianism. Not surprisingly, the first address to the World Economic Forum convening in Davos today is Ukraine’s President Zelensky. For the opposing perspective, use this link to register for the upcoming Schiller Institute online conference on May 26: