“Blood Flowing Through The Streets Of London” | Peter Bleksley Reacts To Soaring Knife Crimes

“Blood Flowing Through The Streets Of London” | Peter Bleksley Reacts To Soaring Knife Crimes

Data shows 12,786 knife offences were carried out in London over the year leading to March 2023, which is a 16 per cent rise from the year before, according to the Office for National Statistics.

Earlier this month Mayor of London Sadiq Khan was rebuked by the statistics regulator for a false claim that knife crime has been falling in London.

Ed Humpherson, director-general at the Office for Statistics Regulation, said it was ‘incorrect’ to say that knife crime in the capital had declined during Mr Khan’s tenure.

In fact, knife crime has ‘significantly increased across the relevant period’, Mr Humpherson said, adding that his office was ‘engaging’ with City Hall ‘to encourage’ officials to correct the statement.

Credit to : TALK TV