Rishi Sunak’s ‘Violent Offenders’ claim is ‘laughable’, says Prison Worker

Rishi Sunak’s ‘violent offenders’ claim is ‘laughable’, says prison worker | LBC

As Rishi Sunak faces challenges over the early release of dangerous criminals under a scheme aimed at easing overcrowding in jails, Ben Kentish hears from a senior probation officer at a prison.

At PMQs, Sunak stated: “There are strict eligibility criteria in place, with exclusions based on public safety and no-one will be put on the scheme if they were deemed a threat to public safety.”

However, caller Ed reveals that he was sent a list of people eligible for early release from the prison he works at, many of whom had been charged with domestic abuse.

He outlines that he found the PM’s claim that ‘violent offenders won’t be released’ laughable and stresses that he must have been unaware of the full details or he just lied.
#benkentish #rishisunak #prisons #LBC
Credit to : LBC